Pop-Up Calendar Text ==================== Requirements: ============= Requires the Archive Program PKUNZIP and file VBRUN300.dll. These files can usually be downloaded from the same CompuServe Forum or BBS that you found this program. Installation: ============ Using File Manager, locate the file popupcal.zip in your CompuServe\Download directory. You can double click the file to run or you can select "run" under the File Menu of Program Manager and type "popupcal". You should have the following files: POPUPCAL.EXE CALENDAR.TXT SETUPKIT.DLL VER.DLL SETUP.EXE SETUP.LST To install the programs, select "run" under the File Menu and type setup. Follow the setup instructions to install the Pop-Up Calendar. Creating Pop-Up: =============== The Pop-up Calendar will be installed to your Start Up Group and will automatically run minimized as an icon when you start Windows. To activate (pop-up), simply double click the calendar icon. Running Pop-Up Calendar: ======================= You should be able to understand most of the commands on the main calendar. The Shrink Menu is broken into two parts. The first menu item "Always On Top", when checked means the shrunken calendar will always remain on top of your other applications when they are running. This menu item feature can be turned on or off by clicking the menu item. To expand a shrunken calendar to normal size, place your mouse pointer on the shrunken calendar and double click. Registration: ============ To register Pop-Up Calendar please send a check or money order for $8.00 payable to: William L. Cunningham Rte 2, Box 205 Mt. Sidney, Va USA Support: ======= If you have any problems with the program setup or questions concerning the operation of Pop-Up Calendar, you can send me a message via CompuServe Mail at 72122,1141